Nicholas de Lacey Brown vs. Alex Wotherspoon

Posted in Uncategorized on March 30, 2008 by Jay

Sir Alan Sugars’ search for his apprentice has begun. Already one week into the airing of the semi-reality show and the first dismissal has been made. The final decision was between Nicholas de Lacey Brown (a 24-year-old somewhat pompous self-proclaimed art-lover barrister), Raef Bjayou (a 27-year-old entrepreneur who has faced death in the face many times) and Alex Wotherspoon (a 24-year-old “obvious” football fan and regional sales manager). There were 6.4 million viewers, so am I right in thinking you all saw it or have conversed about it..? Whilst watching, a little light-bulb went on in my mind…

Sir Alan is looking for an apprentice with the job criterion of representing his firm and working with him. Am I correct? Leaving Raef out of the equation (because face it, he’s a sweetie) who would you honestly choose out of Mr. “ahh yes outstanding means over 85% actually” and Mr. “I expect people to obey instructions” and for what reasons?

Personally, if I was looking for a business associate, I would 100% go for Alex. Academically Nicholas clearly excelled, but perhaps his social awareness and general ability to gel with others was held back by his lack in… hotness? Let me know what your views are.

Ugly Betty – Facial Discrimination in its Element

Posted in Uncategorized on March 18, 2008 by Jay

Golden Globe winning American television comedy-drama Ugly Betty follows the life of unglamorous but good-humoured Betty (America Ferrera) and her ‘fabulous’ job at New York City’s ultra-chic magazine Mode. Although not as aesthetically polished as her co-workers, Betty is good-hearted, brave and the centre of the hit show.

So what is it about her that makes her so… Ugly?! She’s sweet, kind and extremely helpful. The personality criteria of an angel. Her lack of self-confidence, fashion sense and social skills together with her physical appearance and the oh-so-noticeable presence of her thick-rimmed glasses and dental braces make her the office joke and land her with the show’s title: Ugly Betty.

America Ferrera, who plays the character of Betty, is in fact both beautiful and glamorous. So what have the make-up artists and costume directors of the show done to make her ugly? Below are two images, one when she’s in character, and one where she is her normal self. Comment on the differences, and your views on the show.

In Character… And in Reality

I Quote: “Here we have to be sexist.”

Posted in Uncategorized on March 13, 2008 by Jay

Here’s a little extract from a book called: “Perfect CV”

Apparantly within it holds the secrets to all you need to get it right first time… Written by Max Eggert, published by Random House Business Books and priced at £7.99, let’s see what advice we’re given on how to look/pose for a CV photograph…

 “What you must remember here is that for most of our history as humans we have been swinging around in trees, painting wode on ourselves and eating eachother. Our primal instincts have taught us to look at another person and very quickly form an opinion about that person. We think yes-no, good-bad, like-dislike. In certain states of the US, employers are forbidden to ask candidates to send a photograph, simply because opinions form very quickly on visual information alone. So unless you were blessed at birth by being in the top five per cent for traditional good looks and are photogenic, you’re likely to fall victim to visual discrimination. If a photograph is called for then invest money on this aspect of the job search project. If you are male and normally wear glasses, keep them on for the photograph. Research suggests that males wearing glasses are rated as more intelligent, so do a Clark Kent rather than a Superman. The same research suggests glasses make females look frumpy and disorganized. You have to be like Wonderwoman and remove your specs when going into the selection game. Keeping your hair in a French Roll is OK though!”

The chapter’s titled: “Here we have to be sexist.” It has a sexist edge, but I think more than that it shows that Facial Discrimination is very much a big issue, especially in the job market.  

Any experiences to talk about? See you on the comment page.

So what is Facial Discrimination..?

Posted in Uncategorized on March 9, 2008 by Jay

Without realising it… We all facially discriminate people. Constantly… Like an illness really… It just happens.

Living in a post millennium London City, I too am victim to this ‘illness’ and facially discriminate people everyday. From choosing to sit next to the light-eyed hottie on the bus, against the supposedly equal option of the plain-looking guy on the other side, to thinking that the pretty brunette sales assistant in a clothes store will have a better opinion on which jeans to buy against her glasses-clad colleague. It’s something we as humans subconsciously do. It’s like when picking flowers, would you go for the simple daffodil or the beautiful rose?

Different from other forms of discrimination, it’s a very personal and sensitive topic to start a dispute over. I mean how degrading would it be (on a personal level) for a woman to approach her boss and say “I think I’m getting fewer sales than so-and-so because they’re prettier than me” or for a guy to say “So-and-so’s got a nicer chin so all the women flood to him at the cash desk.” Seems tedious but I’m sure you can relate.

Conversely, what happens if the burden of good looks shows it’s ugly face when least needed. Anyone seen Legally Blonde? Being a female, I think I can safely say on behalf of my gender that we often complain about being judged on appearance instead of accomplishments. Take for example a job interview at a coffee shop. Turning up with clear skin complimented by thick eyelashes and a big white smile will work for you better than a bad-hair-day and the ability to speak five languages.

Just something for you to think about… Abercrombie & Fitch paid $40 million a few years back to settle a lawsuit alleging that it staffed its stores with hip, attractive young people. Any views?

Back to the idea of picking flowers, not to stereotype any of the physically beautiful people out there, but remember that every rose has a thorn.